Death of a Salesman

January 25, 2009

This is the first time I have read this, and I must say I really enjoyed it. I found it pretty depressing, but I guess the name should have clued me in on that. As we were discussing characters in class, I felt like Linda was the one who was holding the entire family together. It was her that Biff, and Happy would contact, and even when they wanted to let Willy know something they would contact her to let him know. She seems like she was the only normal one, but in a way I felt like she was in denial of the families entire situation, but not exactly in the same way Willy was. I also felt like Willy wasn’t trying to forget his past, I felt like he missed his passed and did not want to ever give up on his dream that he was going to become someone more important than who he was. The fact that he couldn’t ate him up inside.

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