
April 5, 2009

1.)For my topic, I will take up a historical event to talk about

2.) I want to take up the controversial yet groundbreaking event of Brown vs. Board of Education. After talking to my father about what it was like to grow up during the cold war, and discussing particular events, he brought up the Brown vs Board of Education case. This has familial relevance to me because both, my mother and father grew up during this time, and although Brown vs Board of Edu. took place in 1954, my father grew up in Raliegh, North Caroline where even after the court case, there was still segregation. My father had to go to an all black school until he graduated high school and college was the first time he even interacted with white people on that kind of level. This also has a personal relevance to me because growing up in a predominantly white area, I have heard and even been subjected to racial stereotypes. Also, I want to go to law school and become a lawyer so the fact that this is a famous court case really interests me. I plan on speaking for a plaintiff going through this case, or a student who would be going through the segregation/integration process, probably the latter. 

3.)The consensus for this time period was that African Americans should be segregated from whites in certain areas and situations. These include restaurants, hotels, bathroom, and especially at this time, schools. 

4.) African Americans should not be segregated from whites because it is morally wrong, and in this time period offered African Americans less equal treatment and inferior/lower class accomodations than white people. This type of segregation and discrimination would also go against the Fourteenth Amendment which was one of the post-civil war amendments to give slaves rights. 

5.) Maybe the fact that even though the Supreme Court rules in favor of Brown, it took a lot more time for most schools to fully integrate African Americans. My father is an example of this because this ruling was passed in the mid 50’s but he did not go to an integrated school until the late 60’s, early 70’s.

6.) racism, ethnicity, heritage, culture are a few CATTt-egories that can be used in “Mystory”.

7.) A few potential figures could be Dr. Martin Luther King of course since we was very active in the civil rights movement, if not the most active figure. Also, another figure I could use would be my father since he was around during this time and experiencing the change first hand, or I could use a parent who was a plaintiff in the court case or even just a parent who’s son/daughter was affected by segregation during this time.

8.) I am not sure, but maybe how someone reading Tripmaster Monkey could view the writer as racist if they did not know he was of the same nationality as the people he was using derogatory remarks about, that could potentially be a problem if I use a term such as nigger. Like I said, I am not sure so I’d like some of your advice on this.

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