Response 6

April 11, 2009

Oh great, we lost him again. I don’t know what it is with this guy.  Here we are trying to survive, behind enemy lines and Pilgrim just cannot keep up. He isn’t even worthy of being a soldier. I mean look at him! Oddly shaped, un-athletic, and a coward. No wonder he wants us to leave him and let him die. I tell you what, if he gets us caught or gets me killed, I hope someone avenges me and gives that Pilgrim what hes got coming. He is lucky he has the three musketeers here to watch his back. If we get out of this alive, I am going to see to it that he doesn’t get a chance out in the field of battle ever again and repays us for saving his stupid ass. The scouts and I make a great team and once we get back to base, we will surely mentioned as heroes!

Uuuggghh, Billy Pilgrim, Billy Pilgrim, he is the one who killed me. That scum Billy Pilgrim! The Three Musketeers were suppose to be heroes. We were brave out in the field, constantly trying to save Billy Pilgrim, while taking out German scum form behind enemy lines. I tell you what boys, we gave those Germans hell. Billy Pilgrim, uggh Billy Pilgrim is the death of me. Paul, come closer, I need you to avenge me Paul. He does not deserve to live, and I should have left him out in the woods, but the musketeers are brave and noble so could not leave a man behind. Tell my family I love them and I miss them. I am sorry I could not come home to be the hero that i deserve to be. Tell them I died in battle, not in this god forsaken hell hole, with excrement surrounding my dying body. Please tell them that…and for gods sake, avenge my death and kill Billy Pilgrim.

That no good Kurt! how dare he! how dare he, after all these years, call my husband and come to my house to brainstorm about their old war days! And for what, to write a stupid war book, that will no doubt gamourize war. Not only that, there will surely be another war movie based on this book that will glamourize war even more. Hell they’ll probably get some big movie star like Frank Sinatra and John Wayne to play the heroes! This is absurd! They were only babies for gods sake! Just babies! Sweet innocent children like ours! They think going to war is the cool thing to do because of movies like these and for Kurt Vonn..whatever to come into our house and try to relive those horrible memories is absolutely unforgivable!!

Gosh! Sometimes I just get so sick and tired of taking care of my father! I mean he has been though a lot, especially in the war and in the plane crash, but come on! Tralfamadorians!? What the fuck are those! How can someone who has a successful business helping people see things better, be so blind when it comes to reality and fantasy. I know he needs me now, but it is just so hard sometimes seeing him embarrass himself like this with these letters. It is just as embarrassing for me as it is for him! Why can’t he understand that! Oh well, I guess I’ll keep trying to convince him, but at the end of the day, he has pretty much lost his mind…

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