First time for everything

April 22, 2009

I didn’t even know what hit me! One minute I was looking into the eyes of an angel ,and the next, I’m staring at my own blood on the floor. What is going on!?  I find myself unable to breath, and every time I try and gasp for air, I feel like it will never come. Again and again, my face keeps being pounded by fists. More than two. They won’t even let me get off of the ground. These fucking crackers are beating the shit out of me and I am powerless to stop it. “No nigger is going to speak to my girl, EVER!!”, I barely make out over the laughter of about four people. I have never been jumped before, especially because of my skin color. Finally some faculty members come to my rescue and I never thought I’d be so relieved to see them. Turns out I was blamed for starting the fight, and sent to the clinic, then to detention. Ain’t that some bullshit!

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