The Twist

April 22, 2009

Another Friday night school dance. I can honestly say that I am not very excited to be here. Ever since integration, the whites still cannot stand to be around us. When they are not calling us niggers and trying to pick fights, they completely avoid us. A lot of them don’t even show up to dances anymore. I think it’s because before they integrated schools, they use to play the same old terrible white people music that has no rhythm at all. How can they dance to that shit! I guess they don’t like our type of music. How can they not like this song! It’s amazing. In fact it’s revolutionary and I bet it will be played for years! One thing I with though; I wish I could do the twist with Kristin tonight. That probably wouldn’t go to well after the last time those crackers saw me talking to her…

One Response to “The Twist”

  1. winslie gomez Says:

    Glad to see someone loving the music for music sake. Sounds like integration is a tough call and if Kirstin makes you miss a heartbeat, just be true to yourself and smile at everyone! It works!

    Good luck from across the pond.

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