
April 22, 2009


My father went to town today with a few of his friends and some other blacks for a protest, while my mother stays at home with me. I wanted to go with him, but my mom said it was too dangerous because you never know what the police will do. She is right though, because I have seen what can happen if we cross the police. My friend’s, brother participated in a protest and was beaten just for voicing his view on the situation. I’m really worried about my dad. The police don’t have any mercy for us, so he really needs to be careful. I don’t know what I would do without him. I pray to God that this is a peaceful protest today, and that there will be no police dogs, or bloodshed…


Police bring out the dogs during segregation protests

Police bring out the dogs during segregation protests


April 22, 2009


My father was offered a slightly better pay for a job in Raleigh, NC when I was younger, which is the main reason why we moved here. Even though it is farther North than South Caroline and Alabama, it is still just as racist. They have recently passed the final version of the civil rights bill, which strengthens federal power for equal employment and prevents discrimination in all public places. Well, at least it tries to do all of those things. There have been a large number of sit-ins lately at diners, libraries, and even in the schools. I have even participated in a few. It doesn’t make my “integration” into school any easier thats for sure. “Integration”, jeez it sounds like we are a poison, that society cannot get rid of, so the government has to integrate us slowly into society so we don’t destroy man kind! I hear it’s not a racist up north, so hopefully when I get out of school, I can head of there and find some better work, with less discrimination…


The Beginning

April 22, 2009


I don’t know what is going on today! Why is my mother crying? My dad said it’s because people can be cruel. He said that someone named Brown won a case, and that the white people were mad about it. A case of what? On our way home from the store, right before my mother started crying, we drove by a bunch of white people holding up signs and yelling about something called a nigger. When I asked  her what a nigger was, she said its a bad name the honkies came up with. Were they talking about us? Why would they want to call us bad names. They don’t even know us. I’m glad I don’t have to be around those kind of people, especially in school.
